Order duration forecast
Plan more efficient tours and optimize the utilization of your employees.
Optimize your field service processes with our AI-based order duration prediction.

Startseite > SERVICE 1 Field Service Management > The SERVICE 1 Smart Service > Order Duration prediction
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Order duration prediction from SERVICE 1
Just as with spare parts prediction, SERVICE 1 uses artificial intelligence based on historical data for order duration prediction. When an order is created, the feature provides an informed estimate of the time it will take to complete the order. From experience, this can vary depending on the product and order type. The estimated time is used in dispatch management to optimize technician deployment and route planning.

Interactive and intelligent planning tools
The advantages of the module
- As the order duration is reliable and there are only a few changes during the day, a high adherence to schedules is achieved
- Technicians can be utilized more optimally: This applies equally to a possible underload and overload
- You can plan your orders even more precisely